There are not enough words to express what I personally feel tonight. The magnitude of what was done for Barry and Karin is so overwhelming to me. To see an entire community come together for them and to see complete strangers donate so much is an awesome thing to be a part of.
I can honestly say that this experience has changed me. I have seen how our Heavenly Father has helped along the way to make tonight a success. Good things happen for good people and I am a firm believer in that. Everything fell into place to make tonight a success. It's amazing. We fed close to 600 people. WOW! We had incredible raffle and auction items. We have had so many people donate money from all over the COUNTRY! It is so inspiring.
I do want to say one thing. I want people to know that even if you think what you did or maybe can do for the Holmans (or anyone else in the future) isn't enough , you are mistaken. Every little bit helps. There was a little old woman who handed Karin's mom $6. She apologized it wasn't more but it was all she had! That $6 was truly all she had and she gave it all. It doesn't matter that it was 6 dollars. It means more than anything because it was from the heart and so sincere. The fact that she apologized says volumes about that sweet lady. We all wish we could do more. We all wish we can donate the world to people who are hurting and struggling, but we just do the best we can. We donate a dollar or 100 dollars. We donate time to a friend. Make a meal for a neighbor. We make a phone call.... just do what you can do for those people who might need a little of what you have. I know with all of my heart that the person who truly receives is YOU when you serve.
Barry and Karin have so many months ahead of pain and rehabilitation that in all the ways you are helping to ease their burden is amazing. I was able to see a sweet moment between them today... finally together under one roof. Barry used all his upper body strength to crawl himself onto Karin's bed and they laid by eachother for the first time in 3 weeks since the accident. They will survive all that comes their way because they have each other, and they have a faith in our Heavenly Fathers plan for them.
Barry and Karin say THANK YOU from the bottom of their hearts. They were able to come tonight and they feel so loved and supported by the community. They are being carried by us all and we will do it as long as we need to. Thank you again. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! There are just not enough thank you's for what happened tonight. Love, Lisa
Todd (Barrys brother) said:
When people ask me where I am from, I jokingly say Zion. Tonight I have no doubt that is where I really grew up. Thank you all who contributed to help Barry and Karen. I guess it was overwhelming the support many people demonstrated tonight and throughout this whole process. That place comes together in times of need better than anywhere I have knowledge of (little partial maybe). Thank you
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